How to be Assertive Training

Length: 1 Full Day in Person

or 2 Half Days Online

Being assertive at work has huge benefits on your employees, team work and even your organisation. Assertive employees communicate their needs and wants effectively without being aggressive. They contribute to the team performance without being over loaded by work if they feel they can’t say ‘no’. This increases confidence, self esteem and helps your employees create healthy boundaries.

We offer in person or online Assertiveness Training, sharing tips and tools to help you and your employees become more assertive without being aggressive. The skills acquired are valuable for both, our personal and professional lives

After the course you will:

  • Improve your Self-esteem and confidence

  • Say ‘no’ more often and with confidence

  • Get what you want without being aggressive

  • Feel less stressed and anxious

  • Build healthy personal boundaries with others

Course Info: